NEED donate

You can help reduce harm in Berkeley and the East Bay

Berkeley NEED is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

NEED relies mainly on donations from the City of Berkeley and other nonprofit organizations to continue offering free, clean syringes to drug users, but it also relies on help from members of the community. Your donation to NEED not only helps us dispense needles, but also helps us continue and expand our outreach, wound care, and delivery services.

To donate to NEED, click on the PayPal button below. You do not need a PayPal account to donate. Your donation to NEED may be tax-deductible. You may also mail checks to us or bring donations to us in person at our sites.

NEED will also gladly accept in-kind donations. We are currently in need of bottled water, socks, and boxes of latex gloves. We welcome anything else that you would like to donate, but we cannot accept things in very large quantities, as we do not have the storage space for large amounts of stuff.

Syringe Donations

NEED is not currently in need of syringe donations for distribution to our participants; however, we will gladly safely dispose of any kind of syringes, in any kind of condition.