NEED volunteer
Clean needles save lives

NEED's Thursday Site Has Moved

Effective July 15, 2021, NEED's Thursday site will be located at University Avenue between 9th and 10th Streets (on the north side of the street).

COVID-19 Harm Reduction Links

Other News

NEED has fentanyl test strips! We are hearing more and more about fentanyl in meth as well as in heroin. Come to NEED's sites to get strips that test for the presence of fentanyl.

Need help using fentanyl test strips? Click here for our fentanyl test strips instructions and click here for some tips on more successful and accurate fentanyl testing.

NEED offers overdose prevention treatment through the distribution of naloxone, an opioid antagonist that can prevent overdoses. Naloxone (also known as Narcan) is available at all three of our sites.